Peter De Pauw
Peter helps corporates to innovate and startups to scale.
He combines his corporate experience with his passion for innovation and startups. By paying close attention to practical and organisational constraints, Peter manages to boost entrepreneurship within traditional companies.
Using this modus operandi Peter has a track record in implementing a broad range of management practices within the domain of: business strategy, business development, R&D, business modelling, organisational development, process management, change management, and project & portfolio management.
Based on these experiences Peter talks the language of corporates, but his heart goes out to the real entrepreneurs. That’s why he likes so much coaching startups and intrapreneurs.
Peter loves the concept of spin-ins. Giving intrapreneurs space and support can be enough to wake up the innovation potential of corporates. From his experience, the creation of a coalition of the willing and the use of a validated learning approach, are the key success factors to turn ideas into a viable business.