Team buildings
Gamification for a better communication
All our expertise in gamification for your events and corporate communication.
Full service, tailor-made event solutions, from teambuilding events to corporate events through networking or product launches, our scope of action is huge! Here are a few examples:
The Venue Play
We turn Transforma into a real playground. You will be split into teams of 6 persons.You have to find the activation points of the challenges hidden in the area and scan them with your touchpad. You and your team will have to complete various challenges as well as other ones where you will have to play a role and film or photograph yourselves. At the end of the activity, the jury rates the photos and videos of the game to set a final classification. You watch your best realisations and the others’, just for fun!
- Duration : from 1h30 up to a day
- Number of participants : 20 to 1500
- Localisation : Indoor & Outdoor

The Movie Play
Facilitate collaboration and team spirit directing your own original video shootings. We split the participants into 10 to 15-person teams and we give them a touch pad. This will be their timer, a camera and a creative tool. The teams shoot four 30-second videos: an ad, a film trailer, a video clip, a documentary.You will have to write a screenplay, direct the shooting and play various shooting set jobs for a creative experience that will bind them together during this unforgettable day.
- Duration : from 2h30 to a day
- Number of participants : 40 to 500
- Localisation : Indoor & Outdoor
The Escape Box
This must-know innovative concept strengthens listening among the team and deduction through collaboration. You set up teams of 4 to 6 persons. You sit around a table, with a closed box in front of you. You and your team will have to unlock all the padlocks and solve a final puzzle to break into the box before the time is up.
- Duration : from 1h30 to 2h
- Number of participants : from 12 to 500
- Localisation : Indoor

At Breakneck Speed!
Become a member of a F1 team for a morning or an afternoon and create your racing car from our cardboard sheets. The members of the teams will have to interpret the plans, to collaborate to cut the pieces precisely and to bend, assemble and, of course, decorate the vehicle before the time is up… and afterwards race against their colleagues from the other teams. A breakneck-speed activity!
- Duration : from 2 up to 4h
- Number of participants : from 20 to 1000
- Localisation : Indoor & Outdoor
Who is Who
How well do you know your colleagues? Our lightweight but surprising activity allows us to get to know the people we work with every day. Getting to know each other and discovering common interests are the first steps towards a better cooperation. The game can take place during a drink or a meal.
- Duration : during a drink and/or a meal, in three 20 to 30-minute sessions
- Number of participants : from 40 to 200 players
- Localisation : Indoor

The Legos Serious Play
Two versions are proposed:
The LEGO® Serious Play version is aimed at limited-size teams who want to find creative ideas using the famous little bricks as a communication tool. A necessary programme creation work is done beforehand to get the best results possible.
The LEGO® challenge variant uses the main teambuilding leverages and will oppose the teams who will have to compete over building challenges and over cooperation, communication and creative challenges too. Unlike the Serious Play version, this approach is based on its fun side to boost collaboration between colleagues.
- Duration : from 3h to a day
- Number of participants : from 10 to 3000 players
- Localisation : Indoor