Root Feed

Root Feed

Companies Root Feed For too long neglected, Root is putting vegetables back in the limelight. With its original combinations of flavours and colours, Root is revolutionising perceptions that have remained entrenched for too long: vegetables are now king, and very...
Mange Tout

Mange Tout

Companies Mange Tout Mange Tout s’adresse surtout aux femmes. Envie de plus de bien être au rythme de vos hormones ? Le menu de Mange Tout est fait pour harmoniser votre cycle et selon les cas, pour vivre sereinement votre deuxième printemps. Je vous aide via...


Companies PHCom PHCom stands for Performance and Harmony in Commercial Services. In order to sustain the Business development of SME’s active in BtoB, PHCom has a 3 level approach:   Consulting: optimize the sales and marketing organization (more or better...
CAWaB – Collectif Accessibilité Wallonie-Bruxelles

CAWaB – Collectif Accessibilité Wallonie-Bruxelles

Companies CAWaB – Collectif Accessibilité Wallonie-Bruxelles CAWaB, or Collectif Accessibilité Wallonie Bruxelles, includes 20 associations that either represent Persons with Reduced Mobility (PRMs) or entities that specialize in accessibility issues. Created in...
ASBL Pastoo

ASBL Pastoo

Companies ASBL Pastoo The company raises awareness on sustainable development thanks to culture and events. Among others tings, it supervises the organization of LaSemo Festival and Namur en Mai. FollowFollow Keywords awareness, Cultural events,...