This is a repeating event26/05/2016 12:3009/06/2016 12:30
transforma bxl Yoga Thursdays
Event Details
Low on Energy in the afternoon? Need some time out of the office? Feeling stiff? Or simply be involved in an activity with employees from various companies? We at transforma bxl
Event Details
Low on Energy in the afternoon? Need some time out of the office? Feeling stiff? Or simply be involved in an activity with employees from various companies?
We at transforma bxl believe in promoting a culture of wellbeing across corporate culture since nutrition and yoga are effective ways of reducing stress and preventing burn out in the workplace. When working 8-10 hour days on average, we sometimes forget to just take some time out and nourish our body and mind.
Just 45 minutes of Breathing and stretching the body in effective Yoga Classes can increase your productivity levels dramatically in the workplace which will in turn promote a balanced mindset.
Styles of Yoga Taught:
- Pranayama (control over your breath) is the fundamental principle behind all styles of yoga taught in order to induce relaxation and mindfulness
- Hatha Flow: This style of yoga takes on the principles of the traditional roots of yoga. Asanas (postures) are held for longer periods of time teaching us to practice with mindfulness and awareness of our body. The sequence looks at opening all energy points whilst maintaining a calm and steady pace with the breath throughout this practice. Hatha Yoga is grounding and will set a tone of calmness for the rest of your working day.
- Power / Vinyasa Yoga: This styles takes on the principles from yang yoga creating a dynamic flow from posture to posture. This practice is cardio based using more variations postures in order to give the body a physical workout. The health benefits are immediate, mainly eliminating toxins by twisting, turning and sweating. Get ready to get hot and energised!
Why Should You Join?
- Adopt a culture of wellbeing
- Increase your productivity at the end of the week
- Prevent burnout
- Reduce your stress
- Network with likeminded people
- …
Pricing and Registration
(Thursday) 12:30 - 13:30
Upcoming events
transforma bxl