This is a repeating event25/01/2017 18:45
Discovering the Principles of Dynamic Governance
Event Details
The January 18 session is nearly full, in
Event Details
The January 18 session is nearly full, in order to guarantee the best possible introduction and learning experience, we want to offer you an alternative date for our Taster session on Dynamic Governance (or Sociocracy 1.0) on January 25. If this new date suits you better, please unregister from the January 18 session and join us on January 25. Everything will be the same, except the group dynamic, of course.
Have you ever attended a meeting that went smoothly, without arguments and debate but where still everyone was heard, where everyone could voice his or her opinion and where the decision taken in the end was supported by all?
If so, you probably attended a meeting that was run on the principles of “dynamic governance,” or sociocracy as it is also called.
We all have been to meetings where the opposite was the case: All while being well-intentioned, some people get to talk (all the time), while the more quiet, introverted and thoughtful types, who need a little longer to come up with their—often more brilliant—ideas, never get a chance to voice them. Decisions are taken by majority vote, leaving those who did not buy in to the decision, frustrated, actively or passively disengaged. Result: Whatever decision was taken, only part of the organization was behind it and consequently actively supported it.
To find out how you can learn to facilitate meetings of any kind in your organization in a more participatory, respectful and productive way, come to our Dynamic Governance Discovery Session.
You will get a taste and experience how meetings can be the breeding ground for greater connection and respect for each other and for creating better collaboration as a result of it.
To cover our costs, we will require a EUR 10 contribution. Small snacks and drinks will be served.
We are very much looking forward to seeing you there.
Stéphane and Anita
(Wednesday) 18:45 - 21:45
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