From a coworking space to our entrepreneurial ecossytem
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What if transforma bxl was an
Event Details
What if transforma bxl was an entrepreneurial ecosystem co-designed and co-managed by its members around shared values and common objectives ?
Are you – as a freelancer or an entrepreneur, member of the community of transforma bxl – ready to become one of the co-designers of transforma’s future ecosystem inspired by Enspiral practices ?
No talk, just action!
A co-creation session to build a collaborative entrepreunarial ecosystem that generates value for transforma bxl members.
The community of transforma bxl is composed of entrepreneurs, consultants and freelancers who share similar objectives and have complementary skills and expertise.
transforma bxl wants to be more than a coworking space, it is a space and an ecosystem driving innovation in Brussels forward.
By innovation, we mean innovative practices at large. From social innovation, to business model and organisational innovation.
We have already launched a first innovation program: Beehive. Two others projects are currently under development within the transforma ecosystem : a FabLab and a “Logistics as a Service” warehousing system. More ventures are needed to make the ecosystem stronger.
What is in it for each of us ?
- Generate new businesses for the members
- co-create projects and allocate financial resources to the selected projects. The co-creation and selection process are
- collaborative efforts by the members of transforma ecosystem.
- Develop new ventures, services focused on transforma ecosystem members’ needs and aspirations.
What does “Enspiral-like” mean ?
Enspiral is a New-Zealand-based entrepreneurial ecosystem encompassing 17 ventures. Members of Enspiral have co-designed inspiring breakthrough and participatory governance practices allowing a collaborative dynamic management and (re)design of the ecosystem.
(Monday) 19:00 - 21:00
Upcoming events
transforma bxl