Meet Joshua Vial

08aug18:3020:30Meet Joshua VialMeet Joshua Vial and the business ecosystem Enspiral, an open cooperative - you will be inspired!18:30 - 20:30

Event Details

We are delighted to announce you that Joshua Vial (Enspiral, New-Zealand) is visiting Brussels on the 8th and 9th of August.

Joshua is an entrepreneur with a passion for business, technology and social change. He is the co-founder of Enspiral (NZ) and currently building a transnational network of collectives.

Enspiral started in 2008, when he realized he could earn enough to live on by contracting part time as a computer programmer, working the rest of the time on social projects. Then he realized that if he could support others to do the same, their total impact would vastly increase. By 2011, Enspiral had become a collective of passionate professionals – people who could have been freelancing independently, but instead chose to collaborate and work together to allow them the resources and flexibility to pursue charity and social impact projects.

What happens when you get a bunch of ambitious, talented, values-driven people together in a vibrant coworking space and empower them to think big about positive impact? They launch social enterprise startups, of course. Enspiral grew from a collective of individuals to a collective of more than a dozen social enterprise ventures. There are no bosses in the Enspiral network; there is no management hierarchy. The way they work is inspired by agile software development and the structure of the internet itself, a network of interconnected nodes and free-flowing information.

Enspiral develops new (online) tools to make this collaboration more efficient and then open-source them. Enspiral’s pattern has been to identify a core organisational process and then figure out how to make it more collaborative, from decision-making to budgeting to strategy setting.


  • 18.30 Drinks and welcome
  • 19.00 Joshua Vial talks about the Enspiral network, their experience with hacking capitalism (investments with capped-returns) and the budding transnational network of collectives (like Hackistan and Spotted Zebras)
  • 20.00 Open questions
  • 20.30 End


We want these events to be as free as possible, but there are some costs to cover, 450 euros.
Renting the space: 150 euros per day (300 euros)
Joshua’s trip: 150 euros
Last time the donation-based model worked well, so you can approximate the value of attending such an event. All extras will be transparently reinjected in purposeful action of the collective.

We are looking forward to meeting you there!