Serious Waffle Session
31oct18:3021:00Serious Waffle SessionHow to Start and Build Your Own Business?18:30 - 21:00
Event Details
If you have ever considered starting a business
Event Details
If you have ever considered starting a business or already run a small business, this workshop is for you. Three entrepreneurs with a record of helping other entrepreneurs share their insight on how to start and build a successful business.
The Speakers & Their Talks
Don’t Overlook This by Louise Hilditch
Louise will condense 10 years’ worth of work supporting people to set up business and organisations into 15 minutes of insight. After hearing this talk, you can avoid costly mistakes, understand the key features of business incorporation and develop your own start up check list. Covering the practical side of what’s involved in a business incorporation, the talk will cover the legal and financial aspects and intel on the best places to approach for support.
About Louise
Louise Hilditch has been resident in Brussels for 25 years. Having worked in an EU institution, as a corporate lobbyist, in civil society and as the founder-manager of both corporate and non-profit organisations, she has seen how many types of organisation work from the inside and has a pretty good idea of who she wouldn’t want to work for. As a serial entrepreneur, an organisational design adviser, an HR manager and recruiter her main interest is in people.
It Can’t Be That Hard by Frank Turley
Frank will talk about his numerous successes and failures as an entrepreneur, with a focus on the his current project management training business. He’ll even share a few secrets about his latest pet project. He’ll talk about the importance of preparing a detailed business plan and then being prepared to shift direction as you learn about your market. He’ll cite from Scott Adams’s book, How to Fail at Nearly Everything and Still Win.
About Frank
Over the years, Frank Turley has launched a number of businesses. Currently, he is a project management author, speaker, and adviser, with more than 16 years experience in project management (PM). He covers both PRINCE2® and Agile concepts. Frank is on a mission to help aspiring project managers gain practical experience. He does this through his writings, sample projects, tips, and innovative way teaching. Frank is a regular speaker at international PM events.
The Infinite Game of Business by John di Stefano
The biggest worry for most start-ups is the fear of failure. And that is also the reason why so many new businesses fail. Imagine starting a business that could never fail. What would that be like? If I show you how to start and run that kind of business would you do it? Let me introduce you to 3 key elements of starting a business for life.
About John
John di Stefano is the founder of the Entrepreneur Academy Europe where he coaches people who are ready to step up and create a positive change to their lives. Author of the top awarded blog, podcastand video channel for changemakers, he shares experiences, techniques and strategies to create an extraordinary life for yourself and discover the power in you. Via Entrepreneurs On Fire platform you can become part of an amazing movement to create the life you deserve.
Practical Information
When? Tuesday, 31 October 2017 from 18h30-21h00 – First talk at 19h00
Where? Transforma BXL Avenue Jules Bordet 13, 1140 Evere – Click for map
Cost €12 (pay at the door, please)
Places are limited. Please register here to ensure your seat
Questions? Feedback? Contact us and share your thoughts.
A special thanks to our sponsors, Transforma BXL and Imagination Video.
(Tuesday) 18:30 - 21:00
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