Cristina Manea – Nutrition therapist at Mange Tout

When I’m happy, I cook. When I’m sad, I cook. Reading about human biology, attending cooking classes, foraging wild plants, learning about essential oils, creating new recipes and ways to get a better hormonal balance – this is how my path as a nutritional therapist started.
Being in my second spring, I have already experienced (almost) all the stages of a woman’s life. I unfortunately missed a step, and I tell myself that if I had known 30 years ago everything I know today, I would have had a chance to become a mother.
Why am I able to help on the nutritional ground? I studied at Cerden, where I obtained a nutritherapy degree in 2016. And also took several trainings in aromatherapy, macrobiotic cooking and energetic support.
What’s on the menu :
- individual nutrition sessions – finding out your metabolic way of functioning is a very practical way to start some nutritional adjustments
- individual and group cooking workshops – why not with your team or favourite customer
- consultancy for an effective hydration
- energy techniques, aroma touch massage
My specialties:
- Importance of a healthy breakfast – with protein and good fats
- Ideas for healthy snacks and how to use healthy sugars
- Improve our immunity and focus with live food, wild plants, seaweed and fermented veggies
- Making its own sourdough bread
- Parents-children cooking moments
- Nutritional support for women (hormonal balance) according to each period
- Yin-yang balance on our plate
- Cooking on a small budget, zero waste